Thursday, March 5, 2020

Common Questions About Online Tutoring

Common Questions About Online Tutoring TutorZ often gets a lot of question about online tutoring. Today, Alina decided to answer some of them. Q: How old should be a child to start lessons with a tutor online? A: It depends on a child. But I would recommend no earlier than 6-7 grade. Q: What to do if the Skype does not work (the computer microphone is broken, etc.)? A: To repair. There are no other options. Well, if you cant do it, use in-person tutoring. For example, it is easy to find tutors on the website TutorZ by selecting the appropriate parameters (online or in-person tutoring, subject, place). Q: How to pay for the services? A: To meet in person or use electronic money or any online bank system. Q: What is the duration of classes? A: Duration of training is determined individually. Here we must note that studying at the computer is more tiring for some people. Q: What is the cost of classes? A: Depends on the tutors skills. WARNING! If a tutor is willing to work for a small fee (or Vice versa the fee is very big), it is in no way related to his qualification. Here you need to carefully choose with whom to work. Q: Where to find a tutor for online tutoring? A:To find a tutor use, one of the best tutoring platforms. Hope, I answered all of your questions, if you have any other feel free to ask anything about tutoring in-person and online in comments!

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